Epitaxial La 0.67 Sr 0.33 MnO 3 ͑LSMO͒ ferromagnetic thin films were coherently grown on NdGaO 3 ͑NGO͒ substrates with different crystal orientations of the surface plane. On the ͑110͒ o -and ͑001͒ o -oriented substrates, the film grows in the ͑001͒ pc orientation, and on the ͑100͒ o -, ͑010͒ o -, and ͑112͒ o -oriented substrates the film is ͑011͒ pc oriented ͑we will use subindices o and pc for the orthorhombic and pseudocubic crystal structures, respectively͒. The lattice parameters and pseudocube angles of the deformed LSMO pseudocube have been determined from x-ray diffraction measurements. The in-plane magnetic easy and hard directions of these films have been determined from the dependence of the remnant magnetization on the angle of the in-plane applied field. For all substrate orientations there is a strong in-plane uniaxial magnetic anisotropy, determined by the crystal directions of the substrate surface. The easy and hard magnetic-anisotropy directions are explained consistently by the ͑bulk͒ inverse magnetostriction model, except for the film on NGO ͑112͒ o .