Nucleotide polymorphism associated with the O-antigen-encoding locus, rfb, in Enterobacter sakazakii was determined by PCR-restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis. Based on the analysis of these DNA profiles, 12 unique banding patterns were detected among a collection of 62 strains from diverse origins. Two common profiles were identified and were designated serotypes O:1 and O:2. DNA sequencing of the 12,500-bp region flanked by galF and gnd identified 11 open reading frames, all with the same transcriptional direction. Analysis of the proximal region of both sequences demonstrated remarkable heterogeneity. A PCR assay targeting genes specific for the two prominent serotypes was developed and applied for the identification of these strains recovered from food, environmental, and clinical samples.Enterobacter sakazakii is an opportunistic pathogen that has been associated with food-borne illness in neonates (12,24,25). Powdered infant formula has been implicated as a source of intrinsic E. sakazakii, but extrinsic contamination at reconstitution and improper handling have also been linked with cases of infection (4, 25). Organisms identified as E. sakazakii have been shown to represent multiple species, and an alternative classification of E. sakazakii as five species within a novel genus, "Cronobacter", has been proposed (20).Lipopolysaccharide (LPS) is a major component of the outer membrane of gram-negative bacteria. This is composed of three parts, a complex lipid, called lipid A (consisting of sugars and fatty acids), that anchors the structure to the outer membrane, a conserved core oligosaccharide, and variable polysaccharide side chains (O antigen) that extend from the latter core. The O antigen is a major surface antigen present in gram-negative bacteria, and it is responsible for serological diversity. In these bacteria, LPS contains many oligosaccharide units (individual O units consisting of between 3 and 6 sugars) with typically between 10 and 30 repeats (23,42,47). Genes involved in O-antigen synthesis and downstream assembly map to the rfb locus located between the galF and gnd genes in many Enterobacteriaceae. The O-antigen locus varies in size for each serotype depending on the sugar composition and complexity of the antigen structure (34). O-antigen serotypes emerge as a consequence of the gene content rather than sequence variation at this locus (44). Usually three gene types map to the O-antigen gene cluster, and these include the following: (i) genes that code for enzymes involved in the synthesis of sugars forming the O subunit, (ii) genes that encode glycosyltransferases, involved in the assembly of sugar substituents in the O subunit, and (iii) those genes that code for the transporter (wzx) and polymerase (wzy) proteins necessary for processing and assembly of the O antigen from the O subunit.The O-antigen gene cluster of E. sakazakii has not been previously characterized. This article describes the molecular characterization of the rfb locus in E. sakazakii. Two major serotype...