“…Currently, studies on AMS have been completed in 21 plutons, and cover almost all Pyrenean massifs (25). These studies combined have provided evidence of the syntectonic character of the granite bodies, and have allowed a new emplacement model under a dextral transpressive regime to be proposed, related to the D2 Variscan deformation phase (Antolín-Tomás et al, 2009;Auréjac, Gleizes, Diot, & Bouchez, 2004;Evans et al, 1997Evans et al, , 1998, Gleizes, Leblanc, Santana, Olivier, & Bouchez, 1998, Gleizes, Leblanc, Olivier, & Bouchez, 2001Gleizes et al, 2006;Izquierdo-Llavall et al, 2012;Leblanc et al, 1996;Román-Berdiel et al, 2004, 2006. The main structures observed in the granites are magmatic fabrics and localized shear zones with late-Variscan and Alpine ages (Carreras & Cires, 1986;Román-Berdiel et al, 2004).…”