In this study, we have computed temperature dependent ultrasonic and thermophysical properties of hcp medium entropy alloy Ti-Zr-Hf in temperature range of 0K-900K. Second order and third order elastic constants (SOECs and TOECs) have been calculated using lattice parameters using the Lennard-Jones potential model. With the help of SOECs and TOECs, the elastic parameters such as bulk modulus, shear modulus, Young’s modulus, Poisson’s ratio have been computed. SOECs were also utilized to determine the ultrasonic velocities at different angle along unique axis. Further, thermophysical properties such as Debye temperature, Debye heat capacity, energy density in temperature range of 0K-900K and thermal conductivity in temperature range of 300K-900K have also been theoretically estimated. Additionally, the ultrasonic attenuation due to phononphonon interaction in both longitudinal and shear mode and thermoelastic mechanism have been computed for chosen alloy in the temperature range 300K-900K and attenuation due to the phonon-phonon interaction was found to be dominating over that due to thermoelastic mechanism