Covalent organic frameworks (COFs) have garnered immense scientific interest among porous materials because of their structural tunability and diverse properties. However,the response of such materials towardlaser-induced nonlinear optical (NLO) applications is hardly understood and demands prompt attention. Three novel regioregular porphyrin (Por)-based porous COFs-Por-COF-HH and its dual metalated congeners Por-COF-ZnCu and Por-COF-ZnNi-have been prepared and present excellent NLO properties.N otably,i ntensity-dependent NLO switching behavior was observed for these Por-COFs,w hichi sh ighly desirable for optical switching and optical limiting devices. Moreover,t he efficient p-conjugation and charge-transfer transition in ZnCu-Por-COF enabled ahigh nonlinear absorption coefficient (b = 4470 cm/GW) and figure of merit (FOM = s 1 /s o ,3565) value compared to other state-of-the-art materials, including molecular porphyrins (b % 100-400 cm/GW), metalorganic frameworks (MOFs; b % 0.3-0.5 cm/GW), and graphene (b = 900 cm/GW).
Molecules/materialswithinherentnonlinearoptical(NLO)properties have profound importance in telecommunications, data storage,d isplay technologies,s ensors,a nd biomedical devices. [1] In this regard, molecular porphyrins have been widely studied because of their versatile optical and electrochemical properties,large and fast NLO responses,possibility of incorporating aw ide range of metals,a nd their good thermochemical stabilities for optical limiting and optical switching applications. [2] Nonetheless,t oenhance and tune optical nonlinearities of singular porphyrin moieties,b athochromic shifting of their absorption bands by large p-electron delocalization is crucial, which becomes possible through de novo design of integrated porphyrin units featuring extended p-conjugation. [3, 4] Along this line,w ep ropose ap orphyrin-linked covalent organic framework (COF) [5] as model system, wherein enhancement and switching of the NLO response can be studied by manipulation of the framework. Among the recognized crystalline materials, COFs are known for being mechanically robust and offering ahighly accessible surface area. Thestructural and electronic tunability of COFs have garnered particular interest in research areas such as adsorption/storage, [6] chemical sensors, [7] electronics, [8] and catalysis. [9] Despite such potential, COFs comprising porphyrin units have not been explored as NLO materials.F or this purpose,aregioregular ordering of multiple metal centers in ac rystalline 2D porphyrin framework-preferably without ap ost-synthetic modification-is desirable.T his challenging objective [10] has great potential in optoelectronics and photo/electrocatalysis applications.Herein, we present aconjugated imine-linked porphyrinhomopolymeric COF (Por-COF-HH; Figure 1a)prepared by Schiff base A4B4 condensation of 5,10,15,20-tetrakis(4-formylphenyl)-21H,23H-porphyrin (TFPP) and 5,10,15,20-tetrakis(4-aminophenyl)-21H,23H-porphyrin (TAPP). Adopting the same pathway,w ea lso synthesized regioregular...