7Protein tyrosine sulphation is a post-translational modification (PTM) best known for regulating 1 8 extracellular protein-protein interactions. Tyrosine sulphation is catalysed by two Golgi-resident 1 9 enzymes termed Tyrosyl Protein Sulpho Transferases (TPSTs) 1 and 2, which transfer sulphate from 2 0 the co-factor PAPS (3'-phosphoadenosine 5'-phosphosulphate) to a context-dependent tyrosine in a 2 1 protein substrate. A lack of quantitative tyrosine sulphation assays has hampered the development of 2 2 chemical biology approaches for the identification of small molecule inhibitors of tyrosine sulphation.
3In this paper, we describe the development of a non-radioactive mobility-based enzymatic assay for 2 4 TPST1 and TPST2, through which the tyrosine sulphation of synthetic fluorescent peptides can be 2 5 rapidly quantified. We exploit ligand binding and inhibitor screens to uncover a susceptibility of 2 6 TPST1 and 2 to different classes of small molecules, including the anti-angiogenic compound suramin 2 7 and the kinase inhibitor rottlerin. By screening the Published Kinase Inhibitor Set (PKIS), we 2 8 identified oxindole-based inhibitors of the Ser/Thr kinase RAF as low micromolar inhibitors of 2 9 TPST1/2. Interestingly, unrelated RAF inhibitors, exemplified by the dual BRAF/VEGFR2 inhibitor 3 0RAF265, were also TPST inhibitors in vitro. We propose that target-validated protein kinase 3 1 inhibitors could be repurposed, or redesigned, as more-specific TPST inhibitors to help evaluate the 3 2 sulphotyrosyl proteome. Finally, we speculate that mechanistic inhibition of cellular tyrosine 3 3 sulphation might be relevant to some of the phenotypes observed in cells exposed to anionic TPST 3 4 ligands and RAF protein kinase inhibitors. 3 5