“…Interactomics and live cell imaging suggest TPC assembles as an octameric complex on the membrane during the initiation of endocytosis (Gadeyne et al, 2014; Wang et al, 2020), with the lipid binding proteins AtEH1, AtEH2, and the muniscin-like protein TML forming an interface with the plasma membrane (Yperman et al, 2021b). In comparison, human Eps15, intersectin and the muniscin FCHo mediate multivalent interactions between themselves, anionic phospholipids (Alaoui et al, 2022; Day et al, 2021; Henne et al, 2010), and AP-2 (Hollopeter et al, 2014; Ma et al, 2015; Partlow et al, 2022) to promote the initiation and growth of clathrin coated pits during endocytosis (Bhave et al, 2020; Cocucci et al, 2012; Lehmann et al, 2019). Thus, AtEH1, AtEH2 and TML may be plant endocytic initiation components.…”