This dissertation includes four studies that were concerned with geochemical characteristics and deformation mechanisms of rock salt. The studies focused especially on the rock salt of the Stassfurt Formation (Zechstein 2) and samples were taken from different salt deposits of Germany and the Netherlands.The first study investigated the relationship between deformation intensity and bromide characteristics of the rock salt. For this, the bromide distribution of a defined stratigraphic section (Hauptsalz) of the Stassfurt Formation (Zechstein 2) was investigated in three salt deposits, with bedded salt (Teutschenthal) compared to domal salts (Morsleben, Gorleben).The comparison between the locations yielded the following findings: (1) The characteristic trend of the bromide profile can be observed in both the bedded and the more intensely deformed domal salts. (2) The dispersion of bromide contents along the running average curve is lower in Morsleben and Gorleben than in Teutschenthal, especially in the lower half of the Hauptsalz. (3) The Kristallbrocken are absent in the lower half of the Hauptsalz of Morsleben and Gorleben. On the one hand, the lower dispersion of the bromide contents in the domal salts and the absence of the Kristallbrocken are clear indications for the influence of salt migration-related processes on the bromide distribution characteristics. It shows that these processes are associated with a redistribution of bromide, which eventually results in a homogenisation of the originally varying bromide contents. On the other hand, preservation of the characteristic trend in all bromide profiles indicates that large-scale brecciation, folding processes, or circulating bromide-rich fluids could play only a minor role during the formation of the salt domes.The topic of the second and third study of this work was the laminated halite type Kristallbrocken that is characteristic for the Stassfurt Formation (Z2) rock salt. The investigations of both studies contributed to the understanding of the structure, the formation and the deformation mechanisms of this halite type. X-ray texture analyses on 4 Kristallbrocken samples from the salt deposit Teutschenthal demonstrated that the Kristallbrocken are single crystals and that they can be regarded as relics of formerly larger "single crystal-layers". Microscopic investigations showed that the internal lamination of the Kristallbrocken consists of several types of sulfate inclusions (anhydrite, polyhalite).Especially characteristic are anhydrite aggregates with surrounding brine. The original size of the monocrystalline beds, their high amount of relatively large solid inclusions as well as the characteristic sedimentary features make it unlikely that these laminated single crystals were grown directly from a solution. A more probable scenario is that an originally fine-grained,