Extracts of head parts prepared from the leech Theronzyznrz tessulutum hydrolyse the Gly3-Phe4 bond of synthetic [D-Ala2, LeuSIenkephalin and the Gly-His bond of benzoyl-Gly-His-Leu. The metabolism of benzoyl-Gly-His-Leu was completely inhibited by captopril, consistent with an angiotensin-converting enzyme activity. Such an enzyme has recently been isolated from 7: tessulatum. However, the enkephalin hydrolysis by captopril (100 pM) was inhibited to a maximum of 70 %. The residual activity hydrolyzing enkephalin was inhibited by phosphoramidon, consistent with the presence of endopeptidase-24.11, a mammalian enzyme implicated in the metabolism of neuropeptides. This enzyme was isolated using four steps of purification including gel-permeation and anion-exchange chromatographies followed by reversephase HPLC. This neuropeptide endopeptidase (of approximate molecular mass 45 kDa) hydrolyses, at pH 7 and 37"C, both the Cly3-Phe4 bond of synthetic [~-A l a 2 , LeuSjenkephalin and the Phe8-His9 bond of angiotensin 1. Cleavage of [D-Ala2, LeuSIenkephalin yields, respectively, the Tyr-D-Ala-Gly and PheLeu peptides with a specific activity of 29 nmol Tyr-D-Ala-Gly . min-I . mg protein-' (K,,, 95 pM). The hydrolysis of angiotensin I yields angiotensin I1 and the dipeptide His-Leu with a specific activity of 1.2 nmol angiotensin min-' . mg protein ~ I (K,,? 330 pM). The metabolism of these peptides was totally inhibited by phosphoramidon. This study therefore provides biochemical evidence for neuropeptide-degrading endopeptidases in leeches.Keywords: angiotensin-converting enzyme ; leech; neuropeptides; neutral endopeptidase; peptidase. In comparison with the mammalian system, relatively little is known about the inactivation of neuropeptides in invertebrates, but it is likely that similar enzyme mechanisms operate at the synaptic level. Neuropeptide-degrading endopeptidases were found in hemolymph of the mollusk Mytilus edulis 191, the crayfish A.ytacu.r polyphemus, and the horse shoe crab Limulus polyphemus [lo]. Moreover, an ACE-like enzyme, similar to vertebrate ACE, has been isolated from the insect Muscu domestica [I I ] and an endopeptidase-24.1 I-like enzyme has been isolated Correspondence to