The crystal structure of the ordered vacancy compound (OVC) Cu 3 In 7 Te 12 is analyzed using powder X-ray diffraction data. It is found that this OVC crystallizes with a chalcopyrite-related structure, in the tetragonal space group P 4 2c (Nº 112), with unit cell parameters and volume a = 6.1720(2) Å, c = 12.3597(8) Å, and V = 470.83(4) Å 3. The Rietveld refinement of 28 instrumental and structural parameters led to R p = 9.27 %, R wp = 10.30 %, R exp = 6.95% and S = 1.48, for 4501 step intensities and 130 independent reflections, respectively. This compound is isostructural with Cu 3 In 7 Se 12 , and has a defect adamantane structure.