“…In the original study of the SQ‐48 (Carlier, Schulte‐Van Maaren, et al, ), the factor structure was based on seven correlated psychopathology subscales with one layer, which is also used in this study (see Figure S1). Before computing longitudinal measurement invariance tests, we tested the model fit with the following fit indices (Hawes, Mulvey, Schubert, & Pardini, ): CFI (acceptable when CFI > 0.95; Hu & Bentler, ), Tucker‐Lewis Index (acceptable when TLI > 0.95; Hu & Bentler, ), and RMSEA (acceptable when RMSEA < 0.06; Hu & Bentler, ). Standardized mean difference (d) with 95% confidence interval (CI), adjusted for response shift, is reported (Oort, ; Del Re, ).…”