In aquatic systems, many species rely primarily on visual cues to choose optimal foraging sites, capture prey and avoid potential threats. Increases in the turbidity of water reduce visibility and impede animals in determining the precise location of both predators and food. How individuals balance foraging decisions with anti‐predator behaviour in turbid environments is not well understood.
We tested the effects of turbidity and predation risk on the foraging behaviour and feeding of an invertivorous fish, Moenkhausia forestii (Characidae), using a mesocosm experiment with a 2 × 2 design, crossing water clarity (clear versus turbid) with predation risk as reflected by the presence or absence of the piscivorous wolf‐fish Hoplias aff. malabaricus (Erythrinidae). We predicted that turbidity and predator presence would interact additively to reduce foraging rates, and that increased turbidity or predator presence would result in disproportionate food partitioning among shoal members.
The combination of high turbidity and predator presence resulted in a significant reduction in prey consumption. Foraging success exhibited a skewed distribution in the turbid treatment, i.e. there was a decreased evenness of food partitioning within shoals. Hence, both turbidity and predator presence affect the prey consumption and foraging behaviour of invertivorous fish, with turbidity amplifying the non‐lethal effects of predation risk on foraging success.
Our results imply that turbidity‐induced visual obstruction amplifies the negative effects of predator presence on invertivorous fish feeding behaviour, resulting in higher prey survival. Also, our finding that food intake by an intermediate consumer decreased in turbid water with a top predator lends no support to the hypothesis that intermediate consumer fish reduce their anti‐predator behaviour in turbid water.
From a management perspective, our findings suggest that the oligotrophication of aquatic systems could dramatically increase predation on basal prey organisms naturally adapted to turbid waters, and reduce within‐shoal differences in feeding behaviour.