We report the effect of Fe doping on structural, magnetic, and electric polarization in LiCr0.99Fe0.01O2. Although antiferroelectric transition remains at 62 K, Néel temperature shifts toward higher temperature to 95 K. This may indicate release of magnetic frustration in the antiferromagnetically coupled 2-D triangular-lattice due to minor Fe doping. Synchrotron x-ray diffraction studies reveal step-like structural transitions close to antiferroelectric and antiferromagnetic transitions. Appearance of a new structural transition at antiferromagnetic ordering indicates the presence of magnetoelastic coupling.PACS numbers: 75.80.+q, 77.80.-e Multiferroics are formally defined as chemically single phase materials which possess more than one simultaneous long range ferroic order. In particular, concomitant appearance of spontaneous electric and magnetic polarizations is indicative of magnetoelectric coupling and is attractive for numerous technological applications 1-4 . The primary importance of these materials is the design of new devices, that can exploit their remarkable feature of controlling magnetic or dielectric properties by the application of an electric or magnetic field, respectively. Multiferroicity usually involves breaking of inversion symmetry during ferro(antiferro)electric order and is usually associated with first order structural change. Thus elastic coupling is intimately correlated to spontaneous electric and/or magnetic ordering of multiferroic materials 5-9 .The crystal structure of LiCrO 2 (LCO) possesses 2-dimensional (2D) triangular lattice formed by Cr sublattices which are antiferromagnetically coupled 10-15 . In compatibility with 2D structure, intralayer superexchange interaction is significantly stronger than interlayer exchange interaction 13 . Below antiferromagnetic (AFM) ordering (T N =62 K), the double-Q 120 • spin structure with nonequivalent wave numbers is characterized by alternate stacking of Cr 3+ layers with opposite vector spin chirality along the crystallographic c axis 16,17 . The proper screw-type magnetic structure with opposite spin chirality in the alternative Cr layers provide antiferroelectric (AFE) ordering at T N 18 . Our recent study on the nominal doping of Cu in Li 0.99 Cu 0.01 CrO 2 (LCCO) significantly enhanced the interlayer coupling and led to strong magnetoelastic effect with an unconventional nature of electric polarization at T N 19 . In the present work we have done synchrotron X-ray diffraction study of LiCr 0.99 Fe 0.01 O 2 (LCFO) over a wide temperature range, 20−300 K. We observe that minor Fe doping in the Cr network remarkably changes structural properties. Beside the step-like change at 62 K, as also evident in un- * Electronic address: sspsg2@iacs.res.in Polycrystalline LiCr 0.99 Fe 0.01 O 2 is prepared by solid state reaction described elsewhere 19 . Chemical composition is confirmed using X-ray diffraction studies at room temperature recorded in a SEIFERT X-ray diffractometer (Model: XRAY3000P) using Cu K α radiation and is further verif...