Due to a large discrepancy between theory and experiment, the electronic character of crystalline boron carbide B 13 C 2 has been a controversial topic in the field of icosahedral boron-rich solids. We demonstrate that this discrepancy is removed when configurational disorder is accurately considered in the theoretical calculations. We find that while the ordered ground state B 13 C 2 is metallic, the configurationally disordered B 13 C 2 , modeled with a superatom-special quasirandom structure method, goes through a metal to nonmetal transition as the degree of disorder is increased with increasing temperature. Specifically, one of the chain-end carbon atoms in the CBC chains substitutes a neighboring equatorial boron atom in a B 12 icosahedron bonded to it, giving rise to a B 11 C e (BBC) unit. The atomic configuration of the substitutionally disordered B 13 C 2 thus tends to be dominated by a mixture between B 12 (CBC) and B 11 C e (BBC). Due to splitting of valence states in B 11 C e (BBC), the electron deficiency in B 12 (CBC) is gradually compensated.