A theory for turbulent particle pair diffusion in the inertial subrange [Malik NA, PLoS ONE 13 (10):e0202940 (2018)] is investigated numerically using a Lagrangian diffusion model, Kinematic Simulations [Kraichnan RH, Phys. Fluids 13:22 (1970); Malik NA, PLoS ONE 12(12): e0189917 (2017)]. All predictions of the theory are observed in flow fields with generalised energy spectra of the type, E(k) � k −p. Most importantly, two non-Richardson regimes are observed: for short inertial subrange of size 10 2 the simulations yield quasi-local regimes for the pair diffusion coefficient, KðlÞ � s ð1þpÞ=2 l ; and for asymptotically infinite inertial subrange the simulations yield non-local regimes KðlÞ � s g l , with γ intermediate between the purely local scaling γ l = (1 + p)/2 and the purely non-local scaling γ nl = 2.