Interfacial water in the vicinity of lipids playsa n important role in many biological processes,s uch as drug delivery,i on transportation, and lipid fusion. Hence, molecular-level elucidation of the properties of water at lipid interfaces is of the utmost importance.W er eport the two-dimensional heterodyne-detected vibrational sum frequency generation (2D HD-VSFG) study of the OH stretch of HOD at charged lipid interfaces,w hich shows that the hydrogen bond dynamics of interfacial water differ drastically,d epending on the lipids.T he data indicate that the spectral diffusion of the OH stretch at apositively charged lipid interface is dominated by the ultrafast (<~ 100 fs) component, followed by the minor sub-picosecond slow dynamics,w hile the dynamics at a negatively charged lipid interface exhibit sub-picosecond dynamics almost exclusively,i mplying that fast hydrogen bond fluctuation is prohibited. These results reveal that the ultrafast hydrogen bond dynamics at the positively charged lipid-water interface are attributable to the bulk-like property of interfacial water,w hereas the slowd ynamics at the negatively charged lipid interface are due to bound water, which is hydrogen-bonded to the hydrophilic head group.