Among ubiquitous
phosphorus (P) reserves in environmental matrices
are ribonucleic acid (RNA) and polyphosphate (polyP), which are, respectively,
organic and inorganic P-containing biopolymers. Relevant to P recycling
from these biopolymers, much remains unknown about the kinetics and
mechanisms of different acid phosphatases (APs) secreted by plants
and soil microorganisms. Here we investigated RNA and polyP dephosphorylation
by two common APs, a plant purple AP (PAP) from sweet potato and a
fungal phytase from Aspergillus niger. Trends of δ18O values in released orthophosphate
during each enzyme-catalyzed reaction in 18O-water implied
a different extent of reactivity. Subsequent enzyme kinetics experiments
revealed that A. niger phytase had
10-fold higher maximum rate for polyP dephosphorylation than the sweet
potato PAP, whereas the sweet potato PAP dephosphorylated RNA at a
6-fold faster rate than A. niger phytase.
Both enzymes had up to 3 orders of magnitude lower reactivity for
RNA than for polyP. We determined a combined phosphodiesterase-monoesterase
mechanism for RNA and terminal phosphatase mechanism for polyP using
high-resolution mass spectrometry and 31P nuclear magnetic
resonance, respectively. Molecular modeling with eight plant and fungal
AP structures predicted substrate binding interactions consistent
with the relative reactivity kinetics. Our findings implied a hierarchy
in enzymatic P recycling from P-polymers by phosphatases from different
biological origins, thereby influencing the relatively longer residence
time of RNA versus polyP in environmental matrices. This research
further sheds light on engineering strategies to enhance enzymatic
recycling of biopolymer-derived P, in addition to advancing environmental
predictions of this P recycling by plants and microorganisms.