The development of the nuclear industry has raised multiple questions abouti ts impact on the biotope and humans. Proteinsare key biomolecules in cell machinery and essentiali nd eciphering toxicologicalp rocesses. Phosvitin was chosen as ar elevant model for phosphorylated proteins because of its important role as an iron, calcium, and magnesium storagep rotein in egg yolk. Am ultitechnique spectroscopici nvestigation was performed to revealt he coordination geometry of two oxocations of the actinide family (actinyl U VI ,N p V )i ns peciation with phosvitin. IR spectroscopy revealed phosphoryl groups as the main functional groups interacting with U VI .T his was confirmed through laser luminescence spectroscopy (U) and UV/Vis absorption spectroscopy (Np). For U VI ,X -ray absorption spectroscopy at the L III edge revealed as mall contribution of bidentate binding present, alongw ith predominantly monodentate binding of phosphoryl groups;f or Np V ,u niquely bidentate binding was revealed. As ap erspective to this work, X-ray absorptions pectroscopy speciationo fU VI and Np V in the extracted yolk of living eggs of the dogfish Scyliorhinus canicula was determined;t his corroborated the binding of phosphorous togetherw ithareduction of the actinyl moiety.S uch data are essential to pinpoint the mechanisms of heavy metals( actinyls) accumulation and toxicityi no viparous organisms, and therefore, contributet oashift from descriptive approaches to predictive toxicology.