We examine the quantitative predictions of heterogeneous …rm in the context of the Canada -US Free Trade Agreement (CUSFTA) of 1989. We compute predicted increases in trade ‡ows and measured productivity and compare them to the post-CUSFTA increases observed in the data. Most models predict increases in measured productivity that are too low by an order of magnitude relative to predicted increases in trade ‡ows. A multi-product …rm extension that allows for within-…rm productivity increases has the potential to reconcile model predictions with the data.Since the seminal contribution by Melitz (2003), heterogeneous …rm models have become a widely used instrument in the 'toolkit'of international economists. These models This work builds upon our earlier (unpublished) paper "Trade Liberalization and Heterogeneous Firm Models: An Evaluation Using the Canada -US Free Trade Agreement". We are grateful to Andy Bernard, Gordon Hanson, Miklós Koren, Sam Kortum, Marc Melitz, Alex Michaelides and Ralph Ossa for helpful discussions. We would also like to thank seminar participants at Banco de España, CEU, Chicago, CORE, the EEA Málaga Meeting, EUI, Fundación Rafael del Pino, Koç University, LSE, Munich, NBER Summer Institute, GIST and Vienna for comments and suggestions. All errors remain ours. Cuñat gratefully acknowledges …nancial support by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF #AP23424-G11). Corresponding author: Holger Breinlich, University of Essex, Department of Economics, Wivenhoe Park, Colchester CO4 3SQ, United Kingdom; Email address: hbrein@essex.ac.uk.This article has been accepted for publication and undergone full peer review but has not been through the copyediting, typesetting, pagination and proofreading process, which may lead to differences between this version and the Version of Record. Please cite this article as doi:
10.1111/ecoj.12218This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
Accepted Articlewere motivated by a number of stylized facts: (i) the existence of large productivity differences among …rms within the same industry; (ii) the higher productivity of exporting …rms as compared to non-exporting …rms; (iii) the large levels of resource reallocations across …rms within industries following trade liberalization reforms; and (iv) the resulting gains in aggregate industry productivity. In a generalization of the Krugman (1979Krugman ( , 1980 model, the introduction of within-industry productivity heterogeneity and beachhead costs enables this class of models to produce equilibria and comparative statics along the lines of these facts.While these models are thus qualitatively consistent with available empirical evidence, a thorough evaluation of their quantitative predictions with regards to trade liberalization is still at an early stage. This is despite the fact that the models'quantitative predictions for the link between trade liberalization and changes in aggregate productivity or trade ‡ows are of …rst-order importance for economic policy and welfare analysis. In this paper, we ...