Eine tektonisch ruhige Phase auf der 5rtlichen indischen Kontinentalplatte im Paliioz~n und frtihen Eoz~in wiihrend der Subduktion im asiatischen Randgebiet.Ein weiterer Schub des Indischen Kontinental-Randes nach Siiden in Zusammenhang mit der Bildung eines Anden-~ilmlichen Bogens (des Ladak_h-Deosai-Batholithen) im nSrdlichen indischen Randgebiet ira Eoz~in.Ein oligoz~iner andischer Bogen (die Karakorum-Batholithen) im asiatischen Randgebier, gefolgt yon einer mioziinen KoUision der zwei Kontinente sowie der Intrusion yon ,,echten Graniten", die durch teilweises Verschmelzen der Kontinentalkruste verursacht wurden.
We report t]~e following new 4~ages: 180--150 and 90--100 Ma from monzodiorite and tremolite-actinolite schist of the Kohistan Complex; 44 + 0.5, 39.7 +-_ 0.2 Ma from dikes cutting the Ladakh-Deosai Batholith Complex; 130-145 Ma from a diorite in the Shyok melange; and 7.8 + 0.1 Ma from a late stage monzogranite of the Karakorum Batholith. A 261 ___ 13 Ma age from gneiss of the Karakornm Batholith is of uncertain significance.These dates, previously published ones which we summarize here, and some Sr isotope data suggest the following, (due to subduction switching between the Indian and Asian margins during closing of the Tethys ocean):Late Cretaceous emplacement of the Dras-Kohistan Cretaceous Island arc, followed by rapid cooling between abut 85 and 45 Ma.A quiet phase tectonically on the northern Indian plate during the Palaeocene to early Eocene, when subduction was occurring on the Asian margin. Further southward thrusting of the Indian continental margin associated with the development of an Andean-type arc (the Ladakh-Desosai Batholiths) on the northern Indian margin during the Eocene.An Oligocene Andean arc (the Karakorum Batholiths) on the Asian margin, followed by Miocene collision of the two continents and intrusion of 'true' granites derived from partial melting of continental crust.
R&um6Nous raisons 6tat ici des nouvelles datations 4~suivantes Phase tranquille, sur le plan tect0nique, sur la plaque N. de l'Inde allant du Pal~o-c@ne h l'Eoc@ne ancien, lots de la subduction de la marge asiatique.Pouss@e vers le sud de la marge continentale de l'Inde associ@es au d6veloppement d'un arc de type andin (les batholites du Ladakh-Deosai) sur la marge N. de l'Inde l'Eocbne.Arc andin oligoc6ne (les batholites du Karakoram) sur la marge asiatique, suivi d'une collision au Mioc@ne des deux continents et de l'intrusion de << v@ritables >> granites provenant de la fonte partielle de la crofite continentale.