The experimental systems considered in this paper are normal alkanes, in the range from octane to octacosane; and their binary mixtures {(1-x) mol of CnH2n+2 + x mol of Cn′H2n′+2}, with n′ > n, and ∆n ) n′ -n taking the values 1 and 2. The alkanes and their mixtures have a rich, complex polymorphic nature, for the description of which a distinction is made between a high-temperature and a low-temperature domain. The high-temperature domain is occupied by rotator phases, and the low-temperature domain by a variety of mixed crystalline phases, referred to as the "ordered" phases. Experimental phase diagram data for 19 binariessincluding 11 binaries for which original data are presentedsare used to give a uniform and coherent description of the phase relationships for the ensemble of alkane alloys.