The effects of histaminergic ligands on both ACh spontaneous release from the hippocampus and the expression of c-fos in the medial septum±diagonal band (MSA-DB) of freely moving rats were investigated. Because the majority of cholinergic innervation to the hippocampus is provided by MSA-DB neurons, we used the dual-probe microdialysis technique to apply drugs to the MSA-DB and record the induced effects in the projection area. Perfusion of MSA-DB with high-KCl medium strongly stimulated hippocampal ACh release which, conversely, was signi®cantly reduced by intra-MSA-DB administration of tetrodotoxin. Histamine or the H 2 receptor agonist dimaprit, applied directly to the hippocampus, failed to alter ACh release. Conversely, perfusion of MSA-DB with these two compounds increased ACh release from the hippocampus. Also, thioperamide and ciproxifan, two H 3 receptor antagonists, administered into MSA-DB, increased the release of hippocampal ACh, whereas R-a-methylhistamine, an H 3 receptor agonist, produced the opposite effect. The blockade of MSA-DB H 2 receptors, caused by local perfusion with the H 2 receptor antagonist cimetidine, moderated the spontaneous release of hippocampal ACh and antagonized the facilitation produced by H 3 receptor antagonists. Triprolidine, an H 1 receptor antagonist, was without effect. Moreover, cells expressing c-fos immunoreactivity were signi®cantly more numerous in ciproxifan-or thioperamide-treated rats than in controls, although no colocalization of anti-c-fos and anti-ChAT immunoreactivity was observed. These results indicate a role for endogenous histamine in modulating the cholinergic tone in the hippocampus.