The Krakal region in Kebumen, Central Java, is known for its distinct non-volcanic hot spring manifestation. In the absence of overt volcanic indicators, fault lineaments offer invaluable insights into the subsurface architecture that dictates the distribution and movement of geothermal resources. This research aims to evaluate lineament density by merging Digital Elevation Models (DEM) with remote sensing imagery via ArcGIS and produce Fault and Fracture Density (FFD) measurements. The analysis of lineaments was carried out based on raster image derived from ASTERGDEM 10 M, highlighting the density of lineaments. The lineament density map underscores a prominent connection between the Krakal hot springs and dominant lineaments exhibiting east-west and northwest-southeast trends. These lineaments significantly influence the outflow system of the hot springs, notably dictated by the high-lineament density region. This area of elevated lineament density is attributed to the Kedungramat sinistral fault. The study posits the utility of lineament density maps as an alternative approach for identifying geothermal surface manifestations within the study area.