Lipopolysaccharides of Salmonella T1 forms contain ribose and galactose both present as furanosides. Mild periodate oxidation of the T I lipopolysaccharide followed by treatment with alkali resulted in the formation of a main fragment which was identified as poly-ribose linked to the core polysaccharide. Poly-ribose was also identsed as a degradation product of periodate oxidized Tl lipopolysaccharide which had been treated with mild acid. Another fragment formed under these conditions was identified as being derived from -6-Galf-l,3-Galf-1,3-Galf-l,6-Galf-l-. These results indicated that the T1-specific polysaccharide of Tl lipopolysaccharides contain poly-ribose and poly-galactose regions. Galactose-trisaccharide units may be present as repeating units of a poly-galactose chain.Salmonella T1 forms, which were identified by MATERIAL AND METHODS
Kauffmann in 1956 [l], contain a lipopolysaccharide which is characterized by the presence of D-ribose and D-galaCtOSe residues [2] both linked as furanosides. It was found by methylation analysis thatribose is linked at position 2, and galactose a t positions 3, 6, or 3 and 6. These results were confirmed by analysis of the T1 lipopolysaccharide after periodate oxidation and reduction. As expected) ribose and part of the galactose were resistant to periodate oxidation, while most of the galactose was degraded either to arabinose or to threitol. All furanosides occur in a ,!?-linkage in the lipopolysaccharide 131.I n order to obtain more information on the structure of T1 lipopolysaccharides, two degradation reactions were performed. Firstly, T1 lipopolysaccharide was oxidized with periodate under mild conditions) whereby the 3-substituted galactofuranosides were converted into 3-substituted arabinoaldehydes. The oxidized lipopolysaccharide was then treated with alkali. This leads t o the elimination of substituents present in p-position of the aldehyde groups of arabinoaldehyde (,!?-elimination reaction [a], see formula I). Secondly) periodate-oxidized and borohydride-reduced T1 lipopolysaccharide was hydrolyzed under mild acid conditions, whereby the linkages of degraded 6-substituted galactose residues to the neighbour sugar were cleaved (Smith degradation reaction 151). The isolation and identification of fragments formed after these treatments indicate that the TI-specific region of T l lipopolysaccharides contains chains of poly-ribose and trisaccharide units of galactose. The latter may be present as repeating units of a poly-galactose chain.
Bacteria and Lipopolysaccharides Salmonella friedenau