TAAC is readily expressed in dark-grown Arabidopsis seedlings, and its level remains stable throughout the greening process. Its expression is highest in developing green tissues and in leaves undergoing senescence or abiotic stress. We propose that the TAAC protein supplies ATP for energy-dependent reactions during thylakoid biogenesis and turnover in plants.Chloroplasts perform oxygenic photosynthesis in algae and plants and have evolved by endosymbiosis from cyanobacteria. Chloroplasts have two distinct membrane systems, the double envelope surrounding the organelle and an internal membrane system named thylakoids. The envelope membrane represents the interface between the cytoplasm and chloroplast stroma, whereas the thylakoid membrane separates the stroma and the lumenal space. Altogether ϳ800 membrane proteins have been identified by proteomics in the envelope and thylakoid membranes of Arabidopsis thaliana (for reviews, see Refs. 1 and 2). As expected, the main function for the identified envelope proteins was transport of ions and metabolites, whereas photosynthesis was attributed to most of the identified thylakoid proteins. The major protein complexes in thylakoids are photosystems (PS) 4 I and II, the cytochrome b 6 f complex, and the proton-translocating ATP synthase. These photosynthetic complexes contain not only proteins but also pigments and other cofactors. Their assembly, activity, and removal require a large number of auxiliary, regulatory, and transport proteins (3, 4). Many biochemical reports pointed to the existence of transport activities in the thylakoid membrane, such as calcium transport (5), copper transport (6), anion channels (7), cation channels (8, 9), and nucleotide transport (10). Only the thylakoid copper transporter was identified at the genetic level in Arabidopsis (11). No hydrophobic proteins related to the above-mentioned transport activities were identified in the previous proteomic works on Arabidopsis thylakoid membranes (for a review, see Ref.2). Therefore, genetic strategies are required for identification and elucidation of their role in optimal function of the thylakoid.ATP is produced during the light-dependent photosynthetic reactions on the stromal side of the thylakoid membrane. Besides its utilization during CO 2 fixation in the stroma, ATP drives many energy-dependent processes in thylakoids, including protein phosphorylation, folding, import, and degradation.