The comprehensive study of high-current pulsed electron irradiation effect on the structure and lattice dynamics as well as Atomic Force (AFM) and Laser Confocal Scanning microscope (LSCM) surface imaginaries of PLZT 8/65/35 ceramics have been performed. X-ray powder diffraction studies show the transformation of the cubic perovskite Pm-3m (Z = 1) into orthorhombic Pmmm (Z = 1) structure for the sample irradiated by one pulse (dose 6×10 14 electrons/cm 2 ) and into cubic Pm-3m with increased lattice volume and more ordered structure at irradiating by 10 and 100 pulses (dose 6×10 15 and 6×10 16 el/cm 2 ). A consequence, the changes of number, intensity and phonon modes position occur in Raman spectroscopy data. It should be noted that the annealing at 200 0 C of the single irradiated sample leads to the partly restoration of the orthorhombic structure. AFM and LSCM surface imaginaries correlate well with X-ray diffraction and Raman measurements. The possible mechanism of pulsed electron irradiation effect in PLZT 8/65/35 ceramics is discussed. an influence of high-current pulsed electron irradiation with energy E = 250 keV on the structure and lattice dynamics transformation of PLZT 4 and 9.75/65/35 ceramics, related with the charge storage in lattice. It leads obviously to the change of ion charge and redistribution of vacancies in A and B sublattice. In the present work, we precisely determined using the powder X-ray Rietveld method the lattice parameter and interatomic distances of PLZT 8/65/35 ceramics irradiated by high-current pulsed electron beam with energy E = 800 keV using both single and multiple pulse irradiation and annealing at 200