Recently,a nu nprecedented observation of polar order,t hermochromic behavior,a nd exotic mesophases in new chiral, bent-shapeds ystemsw ith a ÀCH 3 moiety placed at the transverse position of the central core was reported. Herein,ah omologous series of compounds with even-numbered carbonc hains from n = 4t o1 8w ere synthesized, in which ÀCl was substituted for ÀCH 3 at the kink position and ad rastic modification in the phase structure of the bentshaped moleculew as observed. An unusuals tabilization of the cubic blue phase (BP) over aw ide range of 16.4 8Ch as been witnessed. Twoh omologues in this series (1-12 and 1-14) exhibit an interesting phase sequence consisting of BPI/ II, chiraln ematic, twist grain boundary,s mectic A, and smectic X( SmX) phases.T he higher homologues( 1-16 and 1-18) stabilizet he SmX phase enantiotropically over the entire temperature range. Crystal structure analysis confirmed the bent molecular architecture, with ab ent angle of 1488,a nd revealed the presenceo ft wo different molecular conformations in an asymmetric unit of compound 1-4. AD FT study corroborated that the ÀCl moiety at the central core of the molecule led to an increasei nt he dipole momenta long the transverse direction, which, in turn, facilitated the unusual stabilization of frustrated structures.C rystal polymorphism has been evidenced in three homologues( 1-10, 1-12, and 1-14) of the series. On the application of mechanical pressure through grinding, compound 1-10 transformedf rom a brighty ellow crystalline solid to ad ark orange-green amorphouss olid, which reversed upon dropwise additiono fd ichloromethane, indicating reversible mechanochromism in this class of compounds. In addition,e xcellent thermochromic behavior has been observed for compound 1-10w ith a controlled temperature-colorcombination.Supporting information and the ORCID identification number(s) for the author(s) of this article can be found under: https://doi.[a] Cr = crystal;I so = isotropic;N cyb * = chiral nematic phase composed of Sm clusters;T GBA = twist grain boundary phase;S mectic A = SmA; Smectic X = SmX. [b] Phaset ransitionso bserved by meanso fP OM in an ITO-coated planar cell (antiparallelrubbing). [c] Phase transitionso bserved by means of SAXS/WAXS.( 1-14: Cr 1a = amorphous,C r 2b = transition crystalline state, Cr 3c = crystal polymorph.)Chem.E ur.