Raman spectroscopic investigation of the structure of silicate glasses. III. Raman intensities and structural units in sodium silicate glasses The Journal of Chemical Physics 75, 3226 (1981)
es ‡ Present address: Institut de Chimie Moléculaire et des Matériaux d'Orsay (ICMMO), UMR CNRS-UPS 8182, Université de Paris Sud, 91405 Orsay Cedex, FranceAbstract. Ion irradiation with energetic He + (2.5 MeV), O 4+ (13.5 MeV), Si 4+ (24.4 MeV) and Cu 7+ (32.6 MeV) species at several fluences (from 5 x 10 12 to 1.65 x 10 15 ion/cm 2 ) were performed in three types of SiO 2 glasses with different OH content (KU1, KS-4V and Infrasil 301). After ion implantation the Raman spectra were measured and compared with the spectra of unirradiated samples. Irradiated samples of the three fused silica grades exhibit changes in the broad and asymmetric R-band (ω 1 around 445 cm -1 ), in D 1 (490 cm -1 ) and D 2 (605 cm -1 ) bands associated to small-membered rings. The D 2 band shows an increase with increasing fluences for different ions, indicating structural changes. Raman spectra of ion-irradiated samples were compared with the spectra of neutron irradiated samples at fluences 10 17 n/cm 2 and 10 18 n/cm 2 . Macroscopic surface cracking was detected, mainly at fluences corresponding to deposited energies between 10 23 eV/cm 3 and 10 24 eV/cm 3 (after ion beam shutdown).