Cyclotron resonance and interband measurements are reported in magnetic fields up to 160 T for InΑs/InΑs1-xSb x superlattices, one of which is a "self-organised" or "natural" superlattice, and InΑs1-xSbx epilayers. The samples were grown by MBE at temperatures between 370°C to 500°C. No dependence of the band gap, effective masses or g-values on the growth temperature was detected. Anomalous tilt behaviour was observed for the superlattices. Inversion asymmetry induced spin-splitting of the subbands in gated InAs quantum wells is investigated by means of the Shubnikov-de Haas effect and cyclotron resonance. The non-parabolicity was well fitted by Kane theory, although the measured values of effective mass were substantially higher than predictions. Infrared life time measurements at wave-, lengths between 6 and 85 microns are undertaken with free electron 1asers on InΑs/InΑs1-xSbx superlattices and InAs/AlSb quantum wells. Suppression of the Auger recombination times is demonstrated with the superlattices.