. 70, 1176 (1992).The preparation of the organoboron compounds 4-(2-hydroxy-2,2-diphenylacetyl)-6,6-pentamethylene-2-phenyl-1,3-dioxa-4-aza-2-boracyclohexane, 6 , 4-(2,2-difluoro-5,5-diphenyl-l,3-dioxa-2-borata-4-cyclopentylidene)-6,6-pentamethy1ene-2-phenyl-1,3-dioxa-4-azonia-2-boracyc1ohexane7 14a, and 4-[2,2-difluoro-5,5-bis(4-methoxyphenyl)-l,3-dioxa-2-borata-4-cyclopentylidene]-6,6-pentamethylene-2-phenyl-1,3-dioxa-4-azonia~2-boracyclohexane, 14b, are reported.Crystals of 6 are triclinic, P I , a = 8.7348(5), b = 11.0529(6), c = 14.104(1) A , a = 65.781(5)", P = 72.147(6)", y = 79.928(6)", Z = 2, p, = i.130 g ~m -~, and crystals of 14b. 1/2 CH2C12 are also triclinic, p i , a = 11.799(1), b = 13.464(2), c = 10.047(2) A , a = 103.28(2)", P = 92.60(2)", y = 79.752(8)", Z = 2, p, = 1.285 g ~m -~. The structures were solved by direct methods and were refined by full-matrix least-squares procedures to final R values of 0.040 and 0.060 for 3881 and 3221 reflections with I 2 3u(I), respectively. Compound 6 has a six-membered cycloboronate structure, bond distances involving the trigonal planar boron atom being (N)O-B = 1.390(2), (C)O-B = 1.345(2), and B-C(pheny1) = 1.557(2) A. Compound 14b represents a derivative of 6 in which an intramolecularly hydrogen-bonded hydrogen atom has been replaced by a difluoroboron moiety and represents the first structurally characterized compound containing both a phenylboronate and a difluoroboron chelate ring within the same molecule. On rapporte la prCparation des composCs organiques du bore suivants : 4-(2-hydroxy-2,2-diphhy1acktyl)-6,6-pentamCthylkne-2-phCny1-1,3-dioxa-4-aza-2-boracyclohexane, 6, 4-(2,2-difluoro-5,5-diphCnyl-1,3-dioxa-2-borata-4-cyclopentylidkne)-6,6-pentam&thylkne-2-phknyl-1,3-dioxa-4-azonia-2-boracyclohexane, 14a, et 4-[2,2-difluoro-5,s-bis(4-methoxyphCnyl)-l,3-dioxa-2-borata-4-cyclopentylidkne]-6,6_ypentamCthylkne-2-phCnyl-l ,3-dioxa-4-azonia-2-koracyclohexane, 14b. Les cristaux du produit 6 sont tricliniques, P1, a = 8,7348(5), b = 11,0529(6), c = 14,104(1) A , a = 65,781(5)", P = 72,147(6)" et y = 79,928(6)", Z = 2 , p, = 1,130 g cm-3 alors que les cristaux du compose 14b. 1/2 CH2CI, sont tricliniques, p i , a = 1 1,799(1), b = 13,464(2), c = 10,047(2) A, a = 103,28(2)", P = 92,60(2)" et y = 79,752(8)", Z = 2, p, = 1,285 g ~m -~. On a rksolu les structures par des mkthodes directes et on les a affinkes par la mCthode des moindres carrCs jusqu'8 des valeurs de R de 0,040 et 0,060 respectivement pour 3881 et 3221 rkflexions avec I 2 3u(I). Le composC 6 comprend une structure cycloboronate 8 six chainons dans laquelle les distances impiiquant I'atome de bore plan trigonal sont (N)O-B = 1,390(2), (C)O-B = 1,345(2) et B-C(phCny1e) = 1,557(2) A. Le composk 146 reprksente un derive du compose 6 dans lequel on a remplack un atome d'hydrogkne impliquk dans une liaison intramolCculaire par une entite d~fluorobore et il reprCsente la premier composk de structure caractCrisCe comportant dans la meme molkcule un phenylboronate ainsi qu'un cycle chklate difluorobore. I...