“…Hirshfelds urface analysis [52] and 2D fingerprint plot analysis [65] were performed to investigate the perturbationsi ni ntermolecularc ontactso f Qc aused by variouss ubstituents on the Fu nit for the co-crystals Fx·Q (Figure2;T able S1 and Figure S1, Supporting Information). In co-crystals F·Qy,t he percentage of contacts were inspectedf or the Fu nit by altering Qy.A ll the Class 1c o-crystals of Fx·Q exhibited higher C···C, CÀH···C, C···N, H···H, andC ÀH···N contacts.X -ray crystal structure analysis of the co-crystals revealed the qualitative significance of intermolecularC ···C (all carbonsa re sp 2 -hybridized if not mentioned otherwise), C···C sp (in F·Q, F1·Q-F4·Q), andC sp 3ÀH···C (in F·Q1) interactions in driv-Scheme1.Scheme of search in CSD for co-crystals containingFand Qasc ore.F xa nd Qy correspond to derivatives of Fa nd Qc onsidered herein.F ,F 1-F14 correspond to Fd erivatives co-crystallized with Q, and Q, Q1, and Q2 correspond to Qderivatives co-crystallized with F. F·Q, [67] F1·Q, [68] F2·Q, [69] F3·Q, [70] F4·Q, [71] F5·Q, [72] F6·Q, [73] and F·Q1 [74] exhibitC lass 1p acking. F6a·Q, [75] F7·Q, [76] F8·Q, [77] F9·Q, [76] F10·Q, [76] F11·Q, [76] and F·Q2 [78] show Class 2p acking.C lass 3a type includes F12·Q [79] and F13·Q, [80] whereas F14·Q [81] displays Class3bp acking.…”