LaaTi207, Mr = 485.613, monoclinic, P2~, a = 7.812(2), b= 5.5440 (7), c= 13.010 (2) A, /3 = 98.66 (1) °, V = 557.0 (4)/~3, Z = 4, T = 298 K, Dx = 5.790 Mg m -3, A(Mo Ka) = 0.71073 A, /z = 17.86 mm-1, F(000) = 856. The crystals are twinned. The twin I and twin II intensities are superimposed in reciprocal-lattice layers with h even. The a* and b* axes of the twin components run antiparallel. The angle between atwin* i and atwin* n is 17.12 °. The twinning operation has been identified to be a mirror plane perpendicular to the c* direction affecting only the oxygen positions in the structure: La and Ti atoms lie on an orthorhombic sublattice unchanged by the twinning. The structure refined on [FI 2 to R = 0.040, wR = 0.085 for 7972 observed reflections with I> 3tr(l). The refinement was carried out by * Author to whom all correspondence should be addressed. Present address: JASCO International Co. Ltd., 4-21 Sennin-cho 2-chome, Hachioji City, Tokyo 193, Japan.0108-7681/93/020235-10506.00 inclusion of the contributions from the two twin elements simultaneously, with the use of appropriate matrices to relate the atomic coordinates and reflection indices of each of the twin elements. The twin volume fraction was also refined and gave a = 0.1108 (3) as the volume fraction of twin I. The enantiomorphs in twin I and twin II have been shown to be opposite by refinement, on IF[, of the enantiopole, or Flack's x, parameter against reflection data that had been separated into separate sets for each twin element. Subsequently, several refinements, on IF1, of the twinned data set with the use of all possible combinations of enantiomorphs of each twin element yielded the best R/wR values (0.040 and 0.056) when the twin components contained opposite enantiomorphs. The general features of the structure determined by Gasperin [Acta Cryst. (1975), B31, 2129-2130] could be confirmed: the twins comprise distorted (4 + 1 + 1) TiO6 octahedra sharing vertices to form infinite perovskite-like layers three octahedra thick, bound by crystallographic © 1993 International Union of Crystallography 236 TWIN STRUCTURE OF La2Ti207 shears in the a direction. La atoms occupy distorted perovskitic A sites and interlayer sites. La2Ti207 is a member of an homologous series of An ÷ ,Bn ÷ 103n ÷ 5 (0 -< n --_ oo) compounds with n = 3.
IntroductionLa2Ti207 belongs to a relatively small family of layered perovskite-related materials (Brandon & Megaw, 1970;Gasperin, 1975;Ishizawa, Marumo, Kawamura & Kimura, 1975). There are also a number of A2B207 alkali-metal niobates and tantalates adopting this structure type [for example, Ca2Nb207 (Brandon & Megaw, 1970) and Sr2Nb207 (Ishizawa et al., 1975)]; the optical and piezo-and ferroelectric properties of many of these phases are of interest (Nanamatsu, Kimura, Doi & Takahashi, 1971;Nanamatsu, Kimura & Kawamura, 1975). Gasperin, from her structure determination, indicated that La2Ti207 is a member of an homologous series of layered structures built from {110} perovskitic slabs differing in thick...