Chem. 56,1874Chem. 56, (1978.The oxypentafluoroirranates(V1) MUOF,, where M = NH,, K , R b , Cs, have been synthetized from reaction of UOF, with the animoniu~n or corresponding alkali metal fluoride in liquid SO,. According to X-ray diffraction, Raman and infrared spectroscopy, and from an isoniorphism with the corresponding hexafluorouranates(V) MUFG, two different environ~nents around the ilranii~m atom are observed. In CsUOF, the five fluorine atoms a n d the oxygen around the i~ranium result in a pseudo-octahedral surrounding whereas for the other complexes (M = NH,, K, Rb) cach uranium is surrounded by eight light atoms forming a dodecahedron. In this structure the dodecahedra are linked together by fluorine atoms t o form infinite chains. The UOF,-ion has been characterized by vibrational spectroscopy in the solid state. The proposed assignment, which was made with the assumption of a C,, symmetry of the UOF,-ion, was confirmed by a force constant calculation. From these data and contrary to the values reported for comparable oxypentafluoroanions, the axial fluorine is found to be less ionic than the equatorial ones. Introduction L'ttude des oxypentafluorouranates(V1) MUOF, (M = NO, NH,, K) que nous avions abordte prtctdemment (1,2) a t t t approfondie avec les composCs oh M dtsigne NH,, K, Rb, Cs.