This paper is dedicated to Professor Camille Sandorfjr on the occasion of his 65th birthdayBOGUMIL ZELENT and GILLES DUROCHER. Can. J. Chem. 63, 1654 (1985.The mechanism of the photodecomposition of N-ethylcarbazole (NEC) in the presence of carbon tetrachloride has been discussed on the basis of the photoproducts identified. The photodissociation of the N-ethyl bond and the electron transfer in the transiently formed ex-CT complex, '(NEC"..-CCI.,'-)*, have been proposed as the primary photochemical processes involved irr the singlet excited NEC molecule. The latter, treated as the main process, leads to the radical cation of NEC, chloride ion, and trichloromethyl radical in the solvent cage, [NEC"CI-CCI,]. The other reactions in the system studied are analysed following the decomposition of NEC" in the presence of C1-and CCI,, which can occur by the N-ethyl group and (or) by the aromatic ring. The formation of intermediate products such as in the solvent cage gives rise to secondary photochemical reactions in the system studied. The polarity and chemical activity of the reaction media used strongly influence the nature of the secondary photochemical transformations both in and outside the solvent cage. The formation mechanism of the photochemical reaction products in CCI, when ammonia was used, after and during irradiation, has been explained mainly by the transformations of the radical a, and cation a~. as well as by the carbazyl radical P, which is also formed in the reaction medium. On the other hand, reaction of the cation y: explains the formation of the photoproducts in the irradiated solution of NEC with CClj in ethanol. These photochemical results have been compared to the photochemical reactions involved in the carbazole-CC14 system. BOGUMIL ZELENT et GILLES DUROCHER. Can. J. Chem. 63, 1654 (1985).Le mCcanisme de la photodCcomposition du Cthyl-N-carbazole (NEC) en prksence de tktrachlorure de carbone (CCI,) est analysC suite ['identification des photoproduits obtenus. La photodissociation du lien N-Cthyl ainsi que le transfert Clectronique dans le complexe excitC de transfer de charge '(NEC''...CCI,'-)* peuvent Ctre la cause de l'acte photochimique primaire suite a I'excitation du NEC dans son Ctat premier singulet. Le phototransfert Clectronique conduit I'apparition du radical cation du NEC, a I'anion chlorure et au radical trichloromCthyl dans la cage du solvant, [NECt'CI-CCI,]. La dCcomposition du radical cation en prksence de C 1 et de CCI, s'effectue par I'attaque du groupe N-Cthyl ou par le noyau aromatique. Les produits intermkdiaires suivants: dans la cage du solvant donnent lieu a ]'ensemble des rCactions photochimiques secondaires. La polarit6 ainsi que I'activitC chimique du milieu rkactionnel influencent fortement la nature des transformations photochimiques secondaires dans la cage du solvant et en dehors de celle-ci. Le mecanisme de formation des produits photochimiques dans le CCI, lorsque I'ammoniaque est ajoutC au cours et aprks I'irradiation s'explique principalement par la transformat...