Summary We have investigated the cross-sensitivity of a number of cell lines to three different classes of bioreductive drugs under both aerobic and hypoxic conditions. The cell lines used were selected for their sensitivity to DNA-damaging agents and fall into two groups. One group, MMC cells derived from CHO-KI cells (Robson et al., 1985), show a range of sensitivities to mitomycin C in air. The second group, irs cells were cloned from V79 Chinese hamster fibroblasts (Jones et al., 1987) and exhibit sensitivity to ionising radiation. The sensitivity of both groups of cells to mitomycin C (MMC), RSU-1069 Hypoxic cells within tumours are known to limit the efficacy of radiotherapy. Bioreductive and radiosensitising drugs are under development in order to improve tumour therapy by sensitising the hypoxic tumour cells to either radiation or cytotoxic chemotherapy. One process by which hypoxic cells can be selectively killed is to utilise the reductive metabolic pathways which can be exploited readily under poorly oxygenated conditions.The mechanism of action of three different classes of bioreductive compounds have been investigated in vitro, using cell lines selected for their sensitivity to DNA damaging agents. The drugs investigated were the bioreductive quinone antibiotic mitomycin C (Kennedy et al., 1980); a monofunctional alkylating 2-nitroimidazole RSU-1069 (Adams et al., 1984;Stratford et al., 1986); and the benzotriazine-di-N-oxide SR4233 (Zeman et al., 1986(Zeman et al., , 1989.The cell lines used fall into two groups, both of which were cloned from Chinese hamster cell lines. The first, MMC cells, were isolated from Chinese hamster ovary cells, CHO-K1 (Robson et al., 1985), and were either hypersensitive (MMC-2 and MMC-3), or resistant (MMCl) to mitomycin C. The concentrations of MMC required to reduce cell survival to 0.37 of the control following 24 hour aerobic exposure (D37 value) have been determined by Robson et al. (1985) and Hoban et al. (1990) for each cell line. These are: CHO-KI, 0.32; MMC-2, 0.05; MMC-3, 0.07; MMCr, 6.07,UM respectively. The second group of cells, irs cells were originally cloned from V79 Chinese hamster fibroblasts (Jones et al., 1987) and exhibit a range of sensitivities to ionising radiation in air. For these cell lines D37 values (Gy) have been determined as; V79, 4.2; irs 1, 1.34; irs 2, 1.41; irs 3, 2.06 (Jones et al., 1987).The cross-sensitivity of these cell lines to MMC, RSU-1069 and SR4233 has been assessed under both hypoxic and aerobic conditions. This type of study may help to determine the mechanism of action of these agents and the factors influencing cellular sensitivity to bioreductive cytotoxic drugs, in particular the enzymes involved in drug activation and cellular repair pathways. gassed with N2 + 5% CO2 at 37°C for 3 h. The drug-containing medium was then removed from the dishes, replaced with fresh medium and cells assayed 7-10 days later for colony formation.