Author Contributions 25ALG and JTL conceived the project and overall experimental design. AD assisted with sample 26 processing and data analysis. JTL and CH designed and analyzed de novo pHGG and TIHGG imaging data. 27 ALG and JTL compiled and analyzed TIHGG clinical and imaging data; LH and AL performed analysis of 28 radiation treatment for the Colorado cohort. MH and TCH procured tumor samples. US provided 29 methylation profiling data and clinical information for tumor samples. SA processed samples and 30 performed fluorescence in situ hybridization. TL, QT, and BAO analyzed 450/850K data from TIHGG 31 and pHGG cases. JTL, KX, GW, and BAO conceived of the relevant comparisons to de novo pHGG copy-32 number and sequencing data. JD, BS, KJ, and ALG designed the relevant comparisons and performed 33 analyses of germline and somatic sequencing data, RNA-seq data, drug screening results. SJB provided 34 DNA methylation and sequencing data from PCGP cases with a history of therapeutic ionizing radiation. 35 JD performed all primary cell line experiments, assisted by PF and RL. LMH, KD, JML, NF, and RV assisted 36 with project planning and data analysis. GW, KX, KJ, and DH, performed all computational analyses and 37 interpretation of the germline and somatic sequencing data. JTL, JD, and KX performed statistical 38 analyses. MA, GA, BAO, NF, and SB contributed primary tumor samples and clinical data. KX completed 39 the reconstruction of episomes from WGS data. JTL, AG, BAO, TL, JD, KX, QT and GW contributed to the 40 interpretation of experiments. JTL and JD wrote the manuscript with input from all co-authors; all 41 coauthors were involved with manuscript revision, which was led by JTL, JD, BAO, and ALG. 42 Acknowledgements 43 We thank members of the Zhang and Wu laboratories (St. Jude Children's Research Hospital) 44 and members of the Foreman and Vibhakar laboratories (University of Colorado) for assistance and 45 discussion. We also thank Matthew Lear (St. Jude Children's Research Hospital) for his help in acquiring 46 and performing preliminary clinical analysis of primary tumor samples and Scott Olsen, Granger Ridout, 47 and Emily Walker (Hartwell Center for Bioinformatics and Biotechnology) for their assistance in 48 sequencing samples. RNA-seq library preparation and high-throughput sequencing were conducted at 49