Abstract.A review is presented of some of the ingredients, assumptions and techniques that are used in the computation of the structure and evolution of low-mass stars. Emphasis is placed on several ingredients which are still subject to considerable uncertainty. An overview of the evolution of low-mass stars is also presented, from the cloud collapse phase all the way to the white dwarf cooling curve.
DEFINITION OF "LOW-MASS STARS"Low-mass stars are self-gravitating gaseous (or, rather, plasmatic) bodies that develop electron-degenerate cores (meaning that all low-lying energy states are filled and electron pressure is accordingly dominated by the Pauli exclusion principle) soon after leaving the main sequence (MS) phase, and hence undergo the so-called "helium flash" (i.e., ignition of the triple-α process, whereby three alpha particles are converted into a 12 C nucleus, under degenerate conditions) at the end of their evolution on the red giant branch (RGB). Evolutionary calculations indicate that this corresponds to an upper mass limit M ≈ 2 − 2.5 M ⊙ (e.g., [258,259,109]). Exceptionally, and as a consequence of extreme mass loss on the RGB, some such stars may directly become helium white dwarfs (WD's) before they are ever able to ignite helium in their degenerate cores (e.g., [16] and references therein). At the low-mass end, on the other hand, one finds that objects below M ≃ 0.08 M ⊙ are incapable of quiescent hydrogen burning. This corresponds to the commonly adopted "dividing line" between low-mass stars and the so-called brown dwarfs (see, e.g., [58], and references therein). Empirically, the latter have recently been associated to the new spectral classes L ([156]) and T ([31]).
ASTROPHYSICAL IMPORTANCELow-mass stars are of great astrophysical importance for a variety of reasons, which include the following:• Due to the shape of the so-called "Initial Mass Function" ([227]; see also [163] for a recent review), which gives the number of stars that are born in a given