The acoustic (obtained thorough ultrasonic [NDT] characterization), thermodynamic, and volumetric parameters help to forecast and understand the behavior of intermolecular interactions, strength, or weakness as well as the ilk of the liquid mixture. In this paper, an attempt is carried out to understand the structural or molecular alterations of fertilizer in saline soil salts which results from several solute-solvent, solvent-solvent, and ion-solvent interactions present in the systems to find a way to control the problem of salinity of the soil. Because of the above facts, the ultrasonic velocity (U) and density (𝝆) measurements studies on fertilizer name as ammonium sulfate having the number of concentrations varying from 0.02 to 0.2 mol kg −1 in water also in 0.5 mol kg −1 aqueous soil salt solution at different temperatures. The various acoustical, thermo-dynamical, and volumetric parameters that can be calculated are adiabatic compressibility (𝜷), acoustic impedance (Z), intermolecular free length (L f ), specific heat ratio (𝜸), non-linear parameter (B/A), isothermal compressibility (k T ), Pseudo-Grüneisen parameter (𝚪), and internal pressure (𝝅 i ). Hence, the present study exposes the structural sense of the experimental liquid mixture and results have been described in the light of intermolecular interaction existing in between the fertilizer-water-saline salt solutions.