The quarternary structure of the ribosome from the eubacterium Escherichia coli has been studied intensively for many years, and several individual models concerning either the protein composition and the arrangement of proteins (e.g. Refs. 1-5) or the three-dimensional folding of 16 S RNA including the protein-rRNA interactions (e.g. Refs. 6 -9) have been proposed. However, the resolution of these models at the molecular level is still limited, since the contact sites between adjacent proteins and between proteins and rRNA are not precisely known at the amino acid level with only a few exceptions of crosslinked protein pairs (e.g. Refs. 10 -12), although a number of protein contact sites have been identified at the nucleotide level (for review, see Ref. 9). More recently, detailed protein-rRNA cross-linking studies at the peptide level (13) in combination with three-dimensional structures of isolated ribosomal proteins (e.g. Refs. 14 -17) have provided more insight into the protein-RNA interactions and their functional implications within the prokaryotic ribosome. Additionally, site-directed hydroxyl radical probing of the rRNA neighborhood in reconstituted ribosomal particles has provided information relevant to the three-dimensional orientation of several proteins within the 30 S subunit (18,19).Even though discrete peptide regions of individual ribosomal proteins in close contact to the rRNA have been clearly established (13), the analysis of the corresponding sites on the rRNA has still remained a problem. Detailed modeling of ribosomal structures requires precise knowledge of protein-nucleotide and peptide-RNA contact sites concomitantly at the amino acid and nucleotide level. With the help of such information, the three-dimensional structures of ribosomal proteins can be placed into current models of the rRNA, and hence refined models can be adapted to the overall topography of the prokaryotic ribosome as derived from cryo-electron microscopy data (20,21). For this purpose we have developed a new approach that enables us to determine simultaneously the contact sites at the peptide as well as at the nucleotide level within cross-linked peptide-oligoribonucleotide complexes isolated from ribosomal subunits. The strategy employed is based on N-terminal sequence analysis combined with matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry (MALDI-MS). 1 MALDI-MS (22) has been successfully applied for e.g. the determination of phosphoproteins, glycoproteins, and oligonucleotides (for review, see . Furthermore, applications of MALDI-MS for sequencing of peptides (e.g. Refs. 26 -28) and of oligodeoxynucleotides (e.g. Refs. 29 and 30) have been described. Here, we report for the first time the sequencing of oligoribonucleotides by MALDI-MS cross-linked to peptides. The strategy applied here should be a valuable tool for studying protein-RNA interactions, not only in ribosomes but also in other protein⅐RNA complexes.
EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURESPreparation of 30 S ribosomal subunits from E. coli (Eco 30S), chemic...