The paper presents the studies of Sm-Fe-Co-Si-Cu ribbons obtained with the melt-spinning technique, annealed at 1123 K for 3 h. The phase-composition studies were made using a D8 Advance Bruker X-ray diffractometer. It was found that the studied alloy has a multi-phase composition. These studies were of crucial importance in the interpretation of the magnetization reversal. Magnetic measurements, i.e., the major hysteresis loop and recoil curves were performed using a LakeShore vibrating-sample magnetometer with the maximum magnetic field of up to 2 T. On the basis of the recoil curves, the hysteresis loop was decomposed into the reversible and irreversible magnetization components. The decomposed curve was used to describe the processes that influence the reversal magnetization in the studied permanent magnets. Further, these components were used to model the recoil curves, using a modified hyperbolic T(x) model based on the method described by Dooepial. The modeled hysteresis loop and recoil curves revealed a high compliance with the experimental data, proving the validity of the assumptions made in the modeling procedure. Keywords: permanent magnets, TbCu 7 structure, magnetization reversal, hysteresis model lanek predstavlja {tudij trakov Sm-Fe-Co-Si-Cu, dobljenih s tehniko "melt-spining", 3 h`arjenih pri 1123 K. [tudij sestave faz je bil izvr{en z rentgenskim difraktometrom D8 Advance Bruker. Ugotovljeno je bilo, da je preu~evana zlitina sestavljena iz vef az. Te {tudije so bile klju~nega pomena pri razlagi obrata magnetizacije. Magnetne meritve, to so glavna histerezna zanka in povratne krivulje, so bile izvr{ene z magnetometrom LakeShore z vibrirajo~im vzorcem z uporabo najve~jih magnetnih polj do 2 T. Na podlagi povratnih krivulj je bila histerezna zanka razdeljena v komponente reverzibilne in ireverzibilne magnetizacije. Razstavljene krivulje so bile uporabljene za opis procesov, ki vplivajo na obrat magnetizacije pri preu~evanih permanentnih magnetih. Nadalje so bile te komponente uporabljene za modeliranje povratnih krivulj z modificiranim hiperboli~nim modelom T(x) na podlagi metode, ki jo je opisal Dooepial. Modelirane histerezne zanke in povratne krivulje so odkrile veliko ujemanje z eksperimentalnimi podatki, kar potrjuje veljavnost pribli`kov, uporabljenih pri razvoju modela. Klju~ne besede: permanentni magneti, strukture TbCu 7, obrat magnetizacije, histerezni model