This special issue, entitled "Spin Crossover (SCO) Research", illustrates the current relevance of a focused topic, which is in turn highly versatile. Indeed, the collection of papers presented constitutes a sampler that shows the topical importance of this area by attracting the interest of many top researchers and how it is approached under a multidisciplinary perspective. The guest editors are thankful to the publisher and their professional editorial team, who have helped enormously in the task of putting together this issue. The serious, altruistic, and dedicated work of all the referees is also gratefully acknowledged. Finally, the generosity and the strong scientific input of the authors that have contributed their papers with some of their best research results deserve the strongest recognition. The collection of manuscripts in this issue encompasses two high-quality review articles and eighteen outstanding research papers. Following the announced spirit of the original call, very diverse aspects of the phenomenon of spin transition are treated. Therefore, a good balance between theory, synthesis, and physical studies is encountered, while various manifestations of SCO materials are present as part of the theoretical treatments as well as experimentally (molecular, polymeric, nano-structured, and composite materials). The issue includes Monte Carlo simulations of the dynamic properties of the SCO phenomenon analyzing the influence of crystal defects [1], the surface effects [2], and the interactions within the bulk of the system using an Ising model [3]. In addition, density functional theory (DFT) calculations are employed to study the cooperativity using a very well-known experimental compound [4]. A recently published molecular system is reevaluated also by means of DFT calculations to propose novel ligand effects to the low/high spin relative stability [5], while this method is also employed in combination to nuclear inelastic scattering (NIS) data to unveil the coupling between the vibrational levels near one Fe(II) center, with the neighboring centers depending on the relative spin states [6]. This special issue also witnesses the synthesis of new SCO systems and their properties. These include a family of Fe(II) complexes with a new 4-hydroxy 1bpp ligand (1bpp; 2,6-di(pyrazol-1-yl) pyridine) [7], two derivatives of the alkyl-1H-tetrazole series, now exhibiting a propargyl function as a way to perform post-synthetic modifications of SCO compounds [8], and a novel series of Fe(III) heteroleptic molecules exhibiting varying magnetic behaviors, explained in terms of differing types of intermolecular interactions [9]. Abrupt SCO of another series of Fe(III) molecules combining imidazole and Shiff-base related ligands is also explained as a result of hydrogen bonding interactions propagated in one direction of the crystal lattice [10]. A novel Fe(II) mononuclear species made with a pyridylmethyleneaniline ligand featuring an isopropyl group exhibits hysteresis resulting from the coupling of the SCO tran...