This year's highlights include the detection of the first mononuclear copper() peroxo complex, 19f the characterisation of three co-ordinate halogenocuprates(), 27a a triumph of crystal engineering in the first Cu II diamondoid net with twofold interpenetrating frameworks, 33x and a Cu II 2 Gd III complex with tcnq which is claimed as the first compound containing three types of spin carriers (2p, 3d and 4f ). 34w The year has seen remarkable progress in the elucidation of Jahn-Teller fluxionality in six-co-ordinate copper() complexes. 20c-e,22a-d
Copper(I) chemistry
Mononuclear speciesCoverage follows the sequence: C; N, P; O, S; Cl, Br, I: according to the donor atom(s) on the ligands of primary interest. A precise structure for molecular CuCN, generated by the reaction of copper vapour with cyanogen, has been obtained by rotational spectroscopy. 1a The formation constants of aqueous copper() complexes with olefins have been measured by a kinetic method. 1b The gas-phase structure of [Cu(hfac)(cod)] has been determined by electron diffraction, with parameters constrained by ab initio and DFT calculations. 1c The ligand (2-allylthio)benzimidazole (L) is bidentate (η 2 -C᎐ ᎐ C ϩ N) in [CuClL]. 1d An absorption at 350 nm in [CuCp(PEt 3 )] is assigned to a ligandto-ligand charge transfer transition (Cp Ϫ PEt 3 ). 1e Ab initio and DFT calculations predict that Cu ϩ catalyses the dehydration of hydroxyformaldoxime to CHNO isomers. 2a Similar calculations show that Cu ϩ in its ground state ( 1 S) is relatively inert to N 2 O, but is a strong activator of the N 2 -O bond in the 3 D state. 2b Experimental and theoretical studies of bond dissociation energies of Cu(NO) n ϩ (n = 1,2) are reported. 2c Unusual trigonal bipyramidal co-ordination occurs in [CuBr(dafone) 2 ]. 2d Scorpionate complexes [CuTp R,RЈ ], prepared in situ, catalyse the cis cyclopropanation of α-olefins with ethyl diazoacetate. 2e Copper() complexes with R 2 BH 2 Ϫ (R = 1,2,3-or 1,2,4-triazolyl) have been studied; in [Cu(R 2 BH 2 )(PBz 3 ) 2 ] (R = benzo-1,2,3-triazolyl) the anion is co-ordinated via only one nitrogen atom. 2f,g However, in [CuL(PPh 3 )] (HL = tris(pyrazolyl)methanesulfonic acid) L is co-ordinated in unusual κ 3 -N, NЈ, O fashion. 2h The mechanism of DNA cleavage by [Cu(phen) 2 ] ϩ has