We have studied crystal structure, magnetism and electric transport properties of a europium fulleride Eu6C60 and its Sr-substituted compounds, Eu6−xSrxC60. They have a bcc structure, which is an isostructure of other M6C60 (M represents an alkali atom or an alkaline earth atom). Magnetic measurements revealed that magnetic moment is ascribed to the divalent europium atom with S = 7/2 spin, and a ferromagnetic transition was observed at TC = 10 -14 K. In Eu6C60, we also confirm the ferromagnetic transition by heat capacity measurement. The striking feature in Eu6−xSrxC60 is very large negative magnetoresistance at low temperature; the resistivity ratio ρ(H = 9 T)/ρ(H = 0 T) reaches almost 10 −3 at 1 K in Eu6C60. Such large magnetoresistance is the manifestation of a strong π-f interaction between conduction carriers on C60 and 4f electrons of Eu.