Subject of research: the article considers foamconcrete on quartz cement binder, the mass introduction of quartz raw materials in construction can be considered practically achievable and economically profitable.
Purpose of research: the technology of foam concrete on quartz-cement binder is proposed by introducing an ultrafine filler (nanomodifier) from activated quartz waste into the binder, reduces cement consumption by 10 % and improves its physical and mechanical properties.
Methods and objects of research: the nanomodifier was obtained with mechanical and mechanohydraulic activation, the proposed filler activation technologies will improve the structure of cement stone forming foamconcrete pore-forming partitions by increasing the packing density and chemical activity of nanoscale particles in the processes of hydrate compounds phase formation.
Main results of research: the proposed technology of heat-insulating foamconcrete on quartzcement binder allows you to create a pore structure with a diameter of 52 microns at a density of 500 kg/m3 foamconcrete samples and a total porosity of 6575 %, and will also increase the strength characteristics of foamconcrete to 7.713.8 % due to discrete reinforcement with quartz waste (nanomodifier) of pore-forming partitions.