Polymer‐derived ceramics (PDCs) represent a class of ceramics that are preparatively accessible from inorganic polymers (also called preceramic polymers). The synthesis and processing of PDCs from polymeric precursors have been shown within the past four decades to be an excellent way to design ceramics, which provides unique tools to control and tune structural features and consequently properties in PDCs. Thus, the molecular architecture and the chemistry of the preceramic polymers strongly correlate to the polymer‐to‐ceramic transformation characteristics as well as the structural features of the resulting PDC materials. By carefully designing the preceramic polymer, fine‐tuning of the chemical and phase composition of the resulting ceramics is possible, which results in unique microstructures and behavior thereof.
The present article aims to give a brief introduction to the field of PDCs. Typically, an introduction of preparative tools to access PDCs from tailored inorganic polymers will be done. In addition, a critical consideration of the main structural features of PDCs will be given, with emphasis on the strong correlation between the nano/microstructure of the PDCs and the molecular architecture of their polymeric precursors. Also, various technologies being used to process PDCs in the form of porous materials, coatings, fibers, complex‐shaped monolithic parts, and so on will be introduced and discussed. Finally, some selected structural and functional properties (e.g., high‐temperature behavior, electrical properties, optical properties, and bioactivity) of PDCs will be highlighted and some emerging application fields in which PDCs may be highly suitable material candidates will be introduced.
The present article does not intend to provide an exhaustive review of the activities from the past three to four decades in the field of PDCs, but rather to give a short overview of the particularities and the potential of this technology. The article refers in the section “Related Papers” to some excellent reviews and book chapters from the past 20 years, which address and summarize various aspects related to PDCs.