Neutron diffraction measurements were carried out on single crystals and powders of Yb 2 Pt 2 Pb, where Yb moments form two interpenetrating planar sublattices of orthogonal dimers, a geometry known as ShastrySutherland lattice, and are stacked along the c axis in a ladder geometry. Yb 2 Pt 2 Pb orders antiferromagnetically at T N = 2.07 K, and the magnetic structure determined from these measurements features the interleaving of two orthogonal sublattices into a 5 × 5 × 1 magnetic supercell that is based on stripes with moments perpendicular to the dimer bonds, which are along (110) and (−110). Magnetic fields applied along (110) or (−110) suppress the antiferromagnetic peaks from an individual sublattice, but leave the orthogonal sublattice unaffected, evidence for the Ising character of the Yb moments in Yb 2 Pt 2 Pb that is supported by point charge calculations. Specific heat, magnetic susceptibility, and electrical resistivity measurements concur with neutron elastic scattering results that the longitudinal critical fluctuations are gapped with E 0.07 meV. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.93.104419 Much attention is focused on coupled spin-dimer systems, where frustrated magnetic interactions can lead to spin liquid ground states [1,2]. The Shastry-Sutherland lattice (SSL), consisting of planes of orthogonal dimers with intradimer exchange J and interdimer exchange J , is of particular interest as it has been exactly solved [3] to show that the ground state is ordered antiferromagnetically (AF) for J /J less than a critical value (J /J ) C and otherwise has a singlet ground state with gapped magnetic excitations. Insulating SrCu 2 (BO 3 ) 2 is an example of the SSL dimer liquid ground state [4][5][6]. Here, frustrated exchange interactions tend to localize singlet and triplet dimers into complex ordered superstructures at high fields [7][8][9], resulting in quantized plateaus in the magnetic field B dependence of the magnetization M(B) [10][11][12].Most SSL systems are magnetically ordered, where the closure of the singlet dimer gap yields a nonzero magnetization that makes AF order possible even for B = 0. The metallic RB 4 (R = Ho,Er,Tm,Tb) compounds order AF with period-doubling Néel ground states with Ising-like moments oriented perpendicular to the SSL planes [13][14][15][16]. In metallic The neutron diffraction measurements presented here demonstrate that the in-plane Ising-like Yb moments in Yb 2 Pt 2 Pb have a remarkably complex magnetic structure, with a commensurate superlattice of ordered stripes consisting of moment-bearing and magnetically compensated Yb pairs with moments perpendicular to the (110) and (−110) dimer bonds. The magnetic cell contains 200 Yb atoms, whose Ising character results in the formation of two independent and orthogonal sublattices that are separately polarized by magnetic fields along either (110) or (−110). The persistence of AF order in the surviving AF sublattice shows that the two orthogonal bonds of the B = 0 SSL are effectively decoupled in magnetic field, leading to a un...