Adsorptionof 13 С 18 О+ 12 С 16 О mixtures on the Pt(2.9%)/γ Al 2 O 3 , (Pt(2.6%)+Cu(2.7%))/γ Al 2 O 3 , and (Pt(2.6%)+Cu(5.1%))/γ Al 2 O 3 catalysts was studied by FTIR spectroscopy. On the metallic Pt surface at coverages close to saturation, CO is adsorbed both strongly and weakly to form linear species for which the vibrational frequencies of the isolated 13 С 18 О molecules adsorbed on Pt are ~1940 and ~1970 cm -1 , respectively. The redis tribution of intensities of the high and low frequency absorption bands in the spectra of adsorbed 13 С 18 О indicates that these linear forms are present on the adjacent metal sites. The weak adsorption is responsible for the fast isotope exchange between the gaseous CO and CO molecules adsorbed on metal. The Pt-Cu alloys, in which the electronic state of the surface Pt atoms characteristic of monometallic Pt remains unchanged, are formed on the surface of the reduced Pt-Cu bimetallic catalysts. The decrease in the vibrational frequencies of the isolated С=О bonds in the isolated Pt-СО complexes suggests that the CO molecules adsorbed on the Cu atoms affect the electronic properties of Pt.The monometallic platinum catalysts exhibit high ac tivity in various hydrocarbon conversions. 1 The addition of the second metal component to the catalyst can result in the formation of alloys and intermetallic compounds that strongly change the activity and selectivity of the bimetallic systems. 2 Similar changes were observed when studying the behavior of the Pt-Cu bimetallic catalysts in the reactions of hydrocarbon reforming, 3-5 paraffin dehydrogenation, 6-8 CO oxidation, 9,10 and hydrode chlorination of vicinal chlorohydrocarbons. 11-14 The bi metallic catalysts often served as model systems to ob tain information on the electronic states and interactions between Pt and Cu. 11,12,15-18 An analysis of the IR spectra of CO adsorbed on metals is widely used for investigation of the electronic and struc tural characteristics of the surface of bulky and supported metals. Information on the state of metals is obtained by examining vibrational frequencies of non interacting (iso lated) molecules of CO linearly adsorbed on the metals (singleton frequencies) and shifts of the frequencies of absorption band (AB) maxima, which appear due to the dipole dipole interaction between the neighboring CO molecules adsorbed on metals. 19-21 Under the condi tions when the dipole dipole interaction between the adsorbed molecules is absent, the frequency of the AB maximum defined as the singleton frequency depends on the electron density on the metal atom that forms an adsorption complex with a CO molecule. Thus, the single ton frequency characterizes the electronic donor accep tor properties of the adsorption sites on metals. 22 When the metal surface is covered with the adsorbed CO mol ecules, a dipole dipole shift is observed, the magnitude of which is determined by the number of interacting adja cent vibrating dipoles, 4 and for adsorption close to satura tion it characterizes the size of ensembles ...