A hyphally regulated gene (HYR1) from the dimorphic human pathogenic fungus Candida albicans was isolated and characterized. Northern (RNA) analyses showed that the HYR1 mRNA was induced specifically in response to hyphal development when morphogenesis was stimulated by serum addition and temperature elevation, increases in both culture pH and temperature, or N-acetylglucosamine addition. The HYR1 gene sequence revealed a 937-codon open reading frame capable of encoding a protein with an N-terminal signal sequence, a C-terminal glycosylphosphatidylinositol-anchoring domain, 17 potential N glycosylation sites, and a large domain rich in serine and threonine (51% of 230 residues). These features are observed in many yeast cell wall proteins, but no homologs are present in the databases. In addition, Hyr1p contained a second domain rich in glycine, serine, and asparagine (79% of 239 residues). The HYR1 locus in C. albicans CAI4 was disrupted by "Ura-blasting," but the resulting homozygous ⌬hyr1/⌬hyr1 null mutant displayed no obvious morphological phenotype. The growth rates for yeast cells and hyphae and the kinetics of germ tube formation in the null mutant were unaffected. Aberrant expression of HYR1 in yeast cells, when an ADH1-HYR1 fusion was used, did not stimulate hyphal formation in C. albicans or pseudohyphal growth in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. HYR1 appears to encode a nonessential component of the hyphal cell wall.Candida albicans is a major fungal pathogen in humans (44,45). Most frequently it causes superficial, irritating infections of the oral and urogenital tracts. However, serious deep-seated or systemic infections can develop, particularly in immunocompromised individuals.A number of factors are thought to promote the virulence of C. albicans. Many of these factors relate to properties of the C. albicans cell surface, for example, the ability to adhere to host tissues (7,8,27) and the immunomodulatory effects of various cell wall components (40,72). Another potential virulence factor is the ability to undergo a morphological transition from a budding yeast to a hyphal form, but this has not been established unambiguously (12,39,48,57,60,61). Changes in the C. albicans cell surface accompany the morphological transition (9,15,16,31,38,64), and hence morphogenesis is intimately linked with other virulence factors such as adherence. Processes germane to the regulation of the yeast-to-hypha transition are therefore important in establishing the role of this transition in the pathogenicity of C. albicans.Several factors influenced our experimental approach. First, classical genetic approaches were inappropriate because C. albicans is asexual and diploid (55). Second, nonstandard usage of the CTG codon in C. albicans (52,53,78) precluded the use of standard reporter genes, and until recently (62), no sensitive reporter genes for C. albicans were available. Hence, we attempted to identify C. albicans genes which are regulated specifically in response to morphogenesis. Using various approaches, we identifie...