ABSTRACT. The paper proposes a new approach to improve the technological properties of polychloroprene adhesives by changing the mixing regime. This approach has contributed not only to improving the rheological and mechanical properties of the adhesives used, but also for a detailed theoretical explanation of the rheological behavior. The purpose of this work is to study the rheological behavior of modified polychloroprene adhesive compositions in dependence of the amount of the modifying agent and the mixing regimes to achieve the optimal process parameters of bonding and prediction of their technological features. Seven types of polychloroprene-based adhesives were used and a modification with phenol formaldehyde resin was applied. Investigations were made on the influence of modifying agent amount, on rubber compounds processing regimes, on reaction conditions, on the rheological behavior of polymer fluids, on the interactions occurring between the rubber and the other components within the adhesive compositions, on the adhesion properties of the polychloroprene adhesives. Data from rheological analysis were compared with the results of microscopic observations and physico-mechanical properties. Using rheological analysis, it was found that the addition of resin to the rubber on the rolls during the mixing process favors the adhesion, leads to better wetting of the substrates and the formation of a strong glue joint. The optimal amount of the resin as an agent improving the compatibility between the oxides associates and the chloroprene rubber and the associates of the rubber itself was determined. KEY WORDS: chloroprene adhesives, resins, modification, rheology, strength
STUDIUL COMPORTAMENTULUI REOLOGIC AL COMPOZITIILOR ADEZIVE POLICLOROPRENICE MODIFICATEREZUMAT. S-a propus o noua abordare pentru a îmbunatati proprietatile tehnologice ale adezivilor policloroprenici prin modificarea regimului de amestecare. Aceasta abordare a contribuit nu numai la îmbunatatirea proprietatilor reologice si mecanice ale adezivilor utilizate, ci si la o explicatie teoretica detaliata a comportamentului reologic. Scopul acestei lucrari este de a studia comportamentul reologic al compozitiilor adezive policloroprenice modificate în functie de cantitatea de agent de modificare si de regimurile de amestecare pentru a obtine parametrii optimi de lipire si pentru predictia caracteristicilor tehnologice ale compozitiilor. S-au utilizat sapte tipuri de adezivi pe baza de policloropren si s-a aplicat o modificare cu rasina fenol-formaldehidica. S-au efectuat investigatii privind influenta modificarii cantitatii de agent asupra regimurilor de prelucrare a compusilor de cauciuc, asupra conditiilor de reactie, asupra comportamentului reologic al fluidelor polimerice, asupra interactiunilor care apar între cauciuc si alte componente ale compozitiilor adezive si asupra proprietatilor de aderenta ale adezivilor policloroprenici. S-a facut o comparatie a datelor din analiza reologica cu rezultatele observatiilor microscopice si proprietatil...