In this paper we focused on the micromorphology of the Late and Middle Pleistocene paleosols exposed in twelve loess-paleosol sequences sections in the central part of the East European Plain. Each studied paleosol complex known as Mesin (MIS 5), Kamenka (MIS 6 (8) -7 ( 9)), and Inzhavino (MIS 8 (10) -9 (11)) pedocomplexes (PCs) consists typically of two members, the earlier -main -phase of the soil development taking place during an interglacial, and the later one -at the subsequent interstadial time. Interglacial paleosols formation is associated with the thermal optimum of climatic macrocycles and corresponds to conditions close to modern in the territory under consideration. Interstadial paleosols formation characterizes the intervals within the glacial period, accompanied by an increase in heat and moisture. However, the heat supply of such intervals did not reach modern level in this region (Velichko and Morozova 2015). As follows from the analysis of the soil micromorphology over the studied area, the soil microstructure experienced notable changes under changing latitudinal zonality. During the interglacial periods clay coatings and Fe-Mn pedofeatures dominated the soil microfabric; in the south loesspaleosol sequences coatings are in negligible quantities, Fe-Mn pedofeatures decrease in amount, and carbonate pedofeatures appear instead. In the microfabric of the interstadial paleosols, Fe-Mn pedofeatures are abundant, but unlike interglacial paleosols, the coatings are rare. Basically, the coatings are humus-clayey in composition, but in the more southern sections coatings are absent.